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Training, Testing, Training

Writer: Daniel MDaniel M

Its been a while since I have turned on the Spot Connect tracking and one way communications system, and so when I do that its important to to test it out before you go on a ride. The Spot Connect run on a month or yearly subscribtion, but Its the only and most cheapest way for me to reach to society and check in if youre alive or not. I dont have a sat phone but, yeah I dont need both the bill for it or weight either. But a one or two way device is important is to use it on long expeditions like Im doing now. Where Im going, there is now cell phone service and its kinda of the point to reach places where nature is almost untouched. So if you have one device warn your family or friends that youre are going to test the device out, before leaving.

Suunto, Phone, Map, Compass, Route planned and the Spot Connect

The two last outdoorstrips I been kinda overloading my "pack just a bit", its stupid really you should always start small then put more weight as you go, but Im kinda think Im of an ok shape anyway because I carry a pack on my shoulders almost every week. I have gain 82 kg of weight lately, and thats nice because you actually want some fat in your body before you leave. Testing the packraft was important, both because I have never loaded it so much before, and i needed to see what I was missing or what would not work, and I found quickly it is easy to get blisters there as well so couple of pairs of globes may be a good thing of course a anti-blister spray for hands and foot. The Camphor spray from Careplus also releaves the muscles so this is a go to spray.

The spray is an addition to grippy paddle globes and good treking soles.

The Spot Connect is one of many thing you need to test, but for this time I was going to use my phone as the GPS where Norgeskart, with saved maps was going to provide me with more information I couldnt read on a regular map. Physicals Maps are very expensive these days, specially if youre moving across the maps you have. But actually you can print them online now, if you just remember to keep it on a laminated waterproof map storage place. What I normally use for long distance trips like this are 1:50.000 Maps. That is 500 meters on 1 cm, on a map scale like this. Apart from Spot, Good compass (with a mirrow) and a Map, and the phone, my Suunto watch will also help me guide me to routes I have planned on Movescount. This way I can also keep count how fast Im moving, if Im on track or note if I catch a fish to measure how Im doing. When youre walking or paddling, its kinda more simpler to check on the watch instead of opening the phone where you may drop it or break it. The Phone that Im using thought is the Cat S41, and its great beacuse its can handle water and drops. Most important for me is problaby that the batterilife of 5000 mAh, that its not a thin phone (very important in cold weather where the batteri can drop from full to none very quickly) and you can actually use this phone as a powerbank as well.

Testing out the Spot Connect at home

On the physical map I have also written down all of the whitewaters, I picked up from Google Earth and another person that been there before wich he mention I should look after. Tough the Packraft Rogue can handle up to Class II whitewaters that are: Easy rapids with smaller waves, clear channels that are obvious without scouting. Some maneuvering might be required. I need to take it easy and keep it safe specially during long trips like this expedition and traveling alone. Whitewaters kill people every year, and you will be amaze how nature can most of the time work against you if you are not carefull. I didnt pack my helmet either due to weight, so its important for me to follow those who have been there and stay safe rather than be sorry.

But i will problaby conclude that though I will be taking a Spot Connect, Watch, GPS phone it all run on batteri and may get broken by the weather. Map and Compass dont go on batteri but what is it worth if so the most important thing really is to plan before you go, in your head where mostly not all the time you will be keeping to the plan? If youre tired out there, rest. Your body and head is the most important thing to take care of.


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