"Less is more" some say, but it all depends to what is your favorite gear you cannot live without. Surely Camera Gear is part of my way to make memories last. So its more than a luxury item. The Outdoors is not only my hobby either, its my home and my work. I dont own a very expensive car, or home, or cabin hut, or travel every year over seas. But I do have some of the gear I found its worth to keep with my 30 years of experience outdoors. Here are some categories, some might find interesting. What works for me tought, might not work for you that said.
I made some expedition list and packing guide. Its a good way to keep track of things you problaby will need on longer trips. Keep in mind it is in norwegian:
Anarjohka Expedition List (Summer 2019, Many of these gear i have changed recently.)
Across Norway 2022 ( link)
Camino de Santiago 2023 ( link)
Basecamp Gear List (will come soon)
Bushcraft Gear List (will come soon)
Olympus 45mm Portrait lens (Prime lens)

This is one of my firth lenses, its very good for the prize. Wanted it in black, but hade to order it in silver color. This lens has an aperture f 1.8, and it gives smooths portrait and landscapes pictures with a good depth of field. Its also very good for videoes. The lens gives a bright pictures with good dynamic balanse so its easier to edit in lightroom or photoshop after. Cons is that this is a manual lens, so you need to be carefull for the focus.
This is one of my primes lenses.. You can get it on Amazon quite cheap.
Lumix Leica 25mm lens (Prime lens)

The 25 mm is the most valueable prime lens I have. I have done quite of a deep research finding the ultimate video lens, And this one simply is. It dosent have a stabilizator a little down side. Recently I put on a Gobe UV filter mostly to protect the lens, because I use this lens alot when Im filming outdoors. It has an aperture of f 1.4, so it slips in a lot of light, thats a pro thing with lenses. Best picture quality is to use a variable lens filter, with bright aperture to achive as best smooth motion picture.
This is one of my primes lenses, and you can also get this one at Amazon. You can also read a separate gobe filters review here.
V-log lenses: 7 Artisan 7,5mm Fisheye & Lumix G X Vario 14-42 mm Power I.O.S.
Both lenses are mostly used for V-logs, or what I normally call A-roll, though the wide angle is mostly for timelapses.. That is where I normally talk to the camera. The Lumix one I got second handed. It is an automatic lens, with a stabilization, zoom and focus switch. Its a good lens because it easy to film with and carry. The picture still quality is very good, though its not the one who gives me the best video results. The 7.5 mm is a cheap fish eye lens, solid build. It gives a quite good picture and where Im quite impress with the wide angle it can give without to much distortion. It also gives great astrophotography do to ss and wide angle combination. Cons is that is a manual lens. There is a separate blog post on it here. Buy at Amazon Affiliate link here. (Wide lens). For Vlog camera im using the Dji Osmo Pocket 2 more than the pancake lens, its small and has a great face track on it.

Main Camera: Lumix G9
My family bought the GH3 camera back in 2014. Since then it has been use almost every single month or more for years. The GH3 is not a full-frame DSLR, meaning that cost is dramatically reduced as well as weight and space. Also the batteri life is way better than full frames, and making Micro Thirds Fourth a perfect camera for the outdoors. The Gh3 is a excellent video camera, but it lacks detail in still pictures, and performance in low light scenery.
In 2019 I finally had the time to upgrade to G9, wich is something between the GH5 and the S1. The biggest difference is that it can take 6K & even 80 megapixel High Definition Stills. The camera films in 4k and it has some cool features such as a crazy good stabilization and som High Speed
Footage 180 fps action among other things. Buy the camera at Amazon affiliate link here.
The tripods i use are normally the Peak Design Carbon Tripod, or Pedco Ultrapod 3. I also have a 3d printed UL tripod stand for it. Light I use is the Litra Torch outdoors. And Deity Mic
Drone I normally use is the DJI MINI Pro 3 standard version! I have license for it too. Basically I upgraded from Spark, to Mavic 2 Pro, then degraded to Mini 3 mostly due to less use and possibility to charge USB C now. I normally use ND filters for some of the G9 lenses and drone too. I have a GoPro and Insta360 cameras as well but i dont use them to much unless im doing some extreme sports or action shots.

Recommended outdoors gear
Bushcraft Gear
I recently did majority of changes to the gear. I organized it in a way that it has it storage box, for Bushcraft gear. There are some things that overlap though like the Quilt, Ditty Bag, S*** kit
and electronics camera gear.
Backpacking Gear
The Backpacking gear is the result of years of experience and the expedition trip to Anarjohka, it was clearly that with the technology today I could go way lighter. I needed a solid and big enough pack to withstand backpaking off trail, having a solid shelter and a waterproof pack for Packrafting. This are the results I used for the Across Norway Expedition and Backpacking Gear:
It separates from the ultralight since for this trip I pack for mre than one person. Might be most tipical items i carry with me. Tipical shelters for this setup is the NorTent Bivvuak or NorTent Vern 2 person tent. This Setup can also be used in Winter time 4 season or Packrafting.
Ultralight Gear
In preparation for El Camino de Santiago i needed an even smaller backpack and a different aproach to the Across Norway Expedition seen above. This is how the preparation turned out.
El Camino de Santiago Ultralight Gear.
In addition I have one person tent NorTent Vern 1.
Basecamp / Camping Gear
The "Basecamp" is basically the family`s flexible nomad hut / home, that we move around wherenever we are hunting, camping on vacation or other. We are not very fan of beeing in huts, or at least me. I think setups like this will be more common where this world has challenge on its own specially on climate change. This might be mixed with my Backpacking Gear Setup too. A specific list will come here soon: