My name is Daniel. Born in Hamar, Norway in 1983. This website pretty much quite sums all the things I`m interested in, well the blog post wil sometime vary. I spend most of my time with my family. I`m a family father of two kids, and husband to my lovely wife. We`re living in Norway wich is such a great country for the outdoors. Wich brings me to why this is actually my work more than a hobby.
I grew up in the outdoors in Lanzarote (Spain), but I spend most of my time outdoors over the years in Norway too.
Apart from that im a certified career advisor, that love to help people that spend some times in the outdoors. Before this, I used to work for the goverment at the Vinmonopolet for the longest time, there I also took the WSET Level 2 in Spirits. I was also listed in the armed forces during that same time, as a military engineer. In the past I have also worked at outdoors stores, and as business developer officer in a HR agency.
From an academical HR point of view my interesst can be categorized as Enterprising (E.) for the most, also Investigating (I.) and lastly, Cenventional (C). You may wonder what all this mean? Well, It is a scientifically proven theory from John L. Holland, called the Riasec theory, and wich such determines what my personality can find interesting, and what I should be doing in my life. Those three letters (E.I.C) have driven me in many directions, such as been active in politics, interesst in the armed forces, space industry, work market, science, wine, spirits knowlegde, the outdoors, nature, music, videography and working with Human Relations. Is a mix of score of an E.I.C.
My score as an E.I.C in combination with INTP, wich is my personality score or preference score, defines in an objetive point of view who I really am. From this theory I know from other perspective, what my strengh and weakness are. The INTP is one of 16 personality types based on Myers-Briggs and Jungs MBTI studies. Combining Riasec theory and Jungs among others, you have Flow24 (previously known as Vip24), wich is the advisor tool Im certifed at, as a profesional. InFlow24 is based on positive psychology and it have helped me in a lot of ways. It has given me energy when I needed it the most. InFlow24 is very accurate.
You may have heard of Ocean, or the Big 5 perhaps Disa or Disk? Well its quite the opposite due it tends to be to subjective and not good enough at a whole. MBTI is more popular, though also sometimes very often also misinterpreted where people make it to subjective. MBTI and RIASEC is kinda a chart where you see how people may express emotions and beeing different. It helps not only you, but also to comunicate with people in a good way at personal and profesionall point of view. So it has helped me understand people in a very good way, also kinda solved the puzzle of my past, present and future. Im better dealing with stress or anxiety now than before, and yeah I been trough sad times before, mostly good times. But its important for me because its kinda of my fundament for life and personality, and four you it could also give more than you ever knew about yourself, therefore I highly recommend getting to know you in RIASEC or MBTI as well... For me working most of the times alone, this is a great help for having control of my strenght, challenges, goals in life. As well as improving communication and work with other people.
My love for the outdoors have been there with me a long time, but even more the urge to explore and learn about new things. Since I was a little boy grown up in the volcanic landscape and national park of Timanfaya in Spain, to the green woods of my birth country Norway. Living in two cultures has defined me in differnt enviroments and societies, but we still living in the same world.
I have always been very intuitive, creative, so over the years grown more Intuitive (I) and with a score of logician (T).
The outdoors also opens for deep reflection, and its a good way to just relax, as well as beeing productive.. Beeing in the nature is the safest place to be tough you most respect it and add some precautions. Im also very driven by exploring theories or places. Thats why I also sometimes like to do deep studies, or maybe skydive or Scubadive.

Beeing much in the outdoors dosent hide the fact that Im actually a business man. Enterpricing is the biggest interest and score I have. Thats why there some business involved in almost everything you see I do, if not I problaby productivly creating something, exploring something, or fixing a problem. or challenge.
After I was a seller and professional on spirits at Vinmonopolet, I also became a sjt in the armed forces. Then I was elected at a municipal council, have started my own band and also played shows alone. I have also worked also as a Chief Business Developer Officer, and a CEO of own companies. its defines me who I and its all closely related to RIASEC. Today my YouTube Channel is my businness. But the value of my business consist of making memories, or explaining why Nature is important too. I want everyone to be more in nature, and thats a huge deal for me, and so I like spending time in nature.
Wild and Survival was the first name I had for my channel, reaching a subscriber count of 4450 subs, and features as 10 Top Survival Channels on YouTube. The name came quite random actually. Its was mostly a channel where I make outdoors related videoes. It could be overnights, gear review, videography, sometimes space talk and HR, backpacking, packrafting, bushcrafting, hunting, fishing yeah you name it!
Lately i changed the name to Daniel Outdoors so its just feel more natural this way.. But Daniel Outdoors never actually been a business just a hobby because it never reached the official numbers to be categorized as a business.
I appreciate you reading and taking your time with me and my thoughts. I would be happy if you also are interessted in subcribing to my channel or becoming a member.
Many thanks!
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