After many years in the city of Oslo, my wife and I decided to move out of the big city. My wife inspired me to take the hunter certification. In the army I was also able to do the same, but I didnt pass the test back in 2003. So I became a hunter, later my wife also did the same. We havent been very active though we both try to. Hunting its relative expensive and time consuming, specially with two kids. Hopefully we can prioritize hunting more and even post some pictures and videoes to.
Normally we dont use to much time hunting, but everynow and then when the opportunity passes by we try to. I think whats keeping me from hunting more is that wildlife saddly is decresing, but mostly not due hunters and regulation but how we keep building on the wild. and that its part of climate change too..
Etter mange år i storbyen Oslo, bestemte jeg og min familie for å flytte oss litt ut av storbyen. Vi fant et sted der den vakre norske naturen viser sin gode side. Rådyr og annet småvilt, ga meg og min kone inspirasjonen til å bruke tid på jakt. Jeg ble jeger i 2013, og etterhvert ble også min kone det. For oss handler jakt, ikke bare om spennende friluftopplevelser, men også at man hjelper til for å holde en bærekraftig bestand av vilt gjennom naturmangfold- og viltloven.