Latest Concert
Awereness EP
Out on Spotify now!
English. Around 2004 I started playing guitar. A couple of years later, I started up my own band with some others called Call For Riot, then The Zealots. This was because I was planning to start a revue or school band for Kristiania College. Both were very successful projects.In 2009 I played on the biggest and most popular scenes in Norway with Call For Riot as guitarist, but I chose to continue alone as an artist after this. As a solo artist, I played some on open scenes and had some simple concerts. To and got some guest performances with, among others, Frank Znort Quartet on Blue on Sundays. I have released some songs and EP from this period that you can listen to down. I stepped down with the music since 2017 in favor of study, job & family, I have found out academically that I am not as very artistic as I thought I was. But that I learned to play a lot because of it. that I am rather very determined and exploratory. Unfortunately, I have had to sell some equipment I didn't use, but plan on one day to record the thread when I play in new and down home. For the most part, it goes into child songs and leaves song on Spotify I try to learn.
You can still hear some of my previous works here, and appreciate what you think. Shouldn't ignore the fact that I fix the concert sometime too!
Solo projekter / projects :
Glasskår Prosjektet / Project:
This is my son and I doing a music project that randomly started back in 2021:
Call For Riot Prosjektet / Project:

Left: Daniel at Rockefeller. Right Daniel and Siv at John Dee. Under Music video for Call For Riot
Call For Riot hadde i min tid store ambisjoner og vi jobbet med øving et par ganger i uka. Og der jentene var meget flink til å få spille jobber Vi nådde høyt og ble populære der ute. Sjanger vi spilte på den tiden preget av Alternativ Rock band. Mange av de sangene som ble utgitt i Love At First Fight jobbet vi mye med tross i denne CDen spiller jeg ikke da jeg sluttet like før. Det ble noen blodige fingre ,og endel gitar strenger å bytte. Det var en veldig gøy periode. Senere har det utviklet seg til en mer grunge rocke band. Call For Riot spilte på mange kjente scener som John Dee, Rockefeller, Gamla, Skuret, Chateneuf osv.
Du kan høre mer av Call For Riot sin utgitte CD på Spotify. De spiller med jevne mellom rom konsert her og der, og det er et farlig bra live band verdt å få med seg: