I recently uploaded I new video. You can find it here:
In this video I head out for an overnighter and talk about Mental Health
as the most important survival "tool". Why is this important? Because you,
is the most important thing to understand. As a certified career advisor
I have good understanding this term, and positive psychology. Mostly I
list all the factors, to be aware of, in an objective and narrative method.
It is important to know that these factors may vary in a 24 hour timeline every day,
and they not be your anwser, but it surely helped me, my customers among others.
BTW! Creds to Haze Outdoors, who was the one who send the Steak Challange Mental
Health tagg out among the YouTube Outdoors Community!
Many dont realize that mental health is not a thing that happends to some, or sometime in
your life. Its not true, so mental health is a thing that you have every day, 24 hours.
To say it in "English", we can problaby define that mental health is not a problem or issue,
is what we have right now and what we are aware of. And if you are not aware of a factor, or several
factors that will cause you a gap then you will leak energy and rather give you anxiety or stress.
This could happend in many different scenarios, for example beeing in the wrong workplace for long period or
where your preference or personality and interesst arent matching what you suppose to do ect.
To know this there are tools that can actually measure those factors, wich may cause gaps. These gaps
should be studied and talked in an objective manner. These gaps that are the in between from actual situation
on a factor, and your mental expectation.
The Vip24 Cycle is just a big fraction based on theory such as MBTI (Myer-Bryggs
and Jungs Typology). Also John Hollands RIASEC interesst model,
among many scientifically proven theories. These theory should be used as objetive as possible,
and may give you an fundament for the right choises on your life. From a survival perspective,
you will train your mind for upcoming or everyday challenges.
To exactly know what you should focus on can most likely be acchived by taking the
Vip24 test, that Im certifed on. If you like to book a meeting, visit my website here:
If you rather only find your preference from non profesional sites, visit 16personalities.com
Though I dont recomended because its a little to subjetive at the times and you dont get a good
overview picture that if you would take a test with Vip24 and me as the advisor.
To achive a strong mind, is important to be aware of your interest group score,
as well as your preference/ personality score. Here you will learn on specific your
strenght and weakness. If you study and observe more, you will also reflect
on other interesst and preference scores as well. This will come you good,
to in your oersonal life, even professional, relationships ect.
Apart from that Vip24 Cycle measures factors such as:
Clear Leadership and role
Public Benefit
Results and golas
Challenges and Development
Personal Values (I talk about them in the video)
Personal Preference (I talk about them in the video)
Interest Group (Also tlak about in the video)
Physical Enviroment
Social Relations
Health (wich have even more factors under!)
Be sure to take a moment and write down what, and reflect about it. If you rather take the test
wich is quicker book a meeting with me linked here: https://www.danielmartinez.no/kurs/arbeidsliv-eller-karriere-veiledning/book.