To fish is not a joke, I decided to became a sport fisherman for almost three years ago. Before that I had fished recreational many times and in different countries. What I mean about becoming a sport fisherman is to actually use alot of time and learn from your experience as you fish. Though Im way better know than before, I will problaby never be able to master fishing as I would like, because its complicated and you will need alot of time to becoming good at it. I have hear a lot to people, also read books and seeing videoes even talked alot to profesional during the last three years. And so here is what I recall as some golden personal tips and knowledge for getting fish.
Lures. There are many types of lures, and there are many lures tips from others. And so when your normally try them you will problaby dont get a fish with them. So they could be tricking you to think its a good lure and where they keep their best secrets or you are just not using the right lure for that specific time. One thing is clear though, and that is that you shouldnt problaby use to big lures for tipical local waters, unless you are deep in the wilderness. Another tips is to actually vary in lures types, like spinners, flyes, worms, wobbler and jigs if you are sure there is almost visible fish in the water. I have got most of my fresh water fish on worms, where Im not casting or trolling the line from a boat, so its kind of a last chance option though I will always prefer to cast the line. As for temperature and color of the lures, I havent found a specific reason why I should vary the lures in different weather, day or night or temperature. Tough I found out that if the water is still and where the wind if not blowing I rather use deep shiny lures to sink the lure or a worm. Notice a lead weight on a worm line should not be put if the water is standing still or it may scare the fish away. As for buying lures I would start with the smallest ones, and having some different types, often the ones I was a little skeptic about have worked! And those who havent been recomended by others. But be sure to actually take those tips if you actually see someone catch a fish on the spot. Then you know what to use there and if there is one fish, it surely be more fishes there for you.

Casting the line. When you arrive at a specially trout populated water, be sure to aproach the water careful. One of my tipical faults has been to be to uncareful or splashing with the water where see fish normally see me first. If you then aproach careful, be sure to cast the line close to where you stand, and work yourself 180 from left to right changing couple of lures among the way. Most of the times the fish will problaby bite when you trow the line. If you have been in a spot for 15 minutes max, find another spot or set a worm standing line.
Trolling from a raft or boat. Keeping the boat in movement while you have a line out, often dosent have give me the best results. Beeing in a raft and stop and fish on the other hand, is for me more efficent. The good thing is that you can get to the point where bigger fish may be in the deep, specially in warmer calm days and you can fish 360 degrees around. Wobblers normaly work best on fish type like the salt water Mackrell because its fast and it cannot swim still to examine closer. Pikes are predators so they are also more fast and straight specific. But if you paddle or drift slowly many fish will problaby bite. For trouts my best results is stop where you can clearly see there is like land close swamps or stones where the trout may hide. Then I normally cast a spinner there, hiding and parking the boat/raft/kajakk close to land where they dont spot me. If you actually own camo clothing is not very important, but yeah surely use it if you can, specially for the shy fishes.

Line, rod & Reel. I started out with nylon, then loosed a lot of lures across the first time.... Then I tryed some other kind of knots and for the longest time I tryed lines like the fireline in different colors. Also my starting reel got scratched, rusty, it started to make noise it didnt had, and I tryed to buy cheap rods, and reels as well. Thing is it gets messy, you are unsure and you problaby make a mess if you learn to actually fish the first time. Rods are important because you problaby need one for salt water or coast fishing that it may be to long to cast from a Packraft and you problaby need couple of good reels as well if you are serious about it. To actually make yourself some routines along the way as to know your knots or where you put a stading worm rod, or what line you should use is the most boring knowlegde I had achived across the years. Today I mostly use one long rod for fishing at coast with nylon on it. Then I will problaby use just one lure for salt water. As for fresh water I have one good telescope rod for the packraft that is easy to handle, with strong nylon and a regular rod not to big also specially for trout and where both use the same reel. For knots I mostly use the Palomar knot that I find both easy to remember and very strong.
Technique. I have mention some tips already for casting, but it is important to have patience when fishing. When you cast the line, you will problaby rush it when you have spent like 5 minutes there on the next spot. But try to cast the line spin the reel as soon as it touches the water for about a meter then stop 2 seconds so it can sink again and then a meter then stop and reel more as it aproachs you. If you are trolling though I normally let it sink it way down to the deep, depending on where you are. Know if you notice a second time bite, try to nap the rod back carefull. Then its time to let the fish get exausted as you slowly reel in the line. Sometimes specially depending one the lure you use or line thickness, and the fish size of course, that reel-in-fight, may last up to ten minutes. And yeah its problaby the best time of fishing, so try to enjoy it and not rush it or the oppsite.
Knowlegde. Respect for nature, is very important. I really dont like garbage or human marks where Im at. Also from time to time there are some who just cant get enough of fishing and they post a picture of min 20 trouts or other kind, and they may just trought it at a bag or boat leeting them die slowly.. If I find the fish to small and its not a survival situation I will let it go again. Also I normally dont overfish for me as a person, also if I know there is bigger fish there. For me I fish to feed my belly that day, thoguh sometimes really depends if my kid is with me as well. What I normally do when I catch one, is to give some respect to the fish and take its life as soon as possible. and show apretiation. Then I normally like to see what kind of food its been eating in its stomage, so you can learn. I normally also use the Fishbrain app, and Suunto Traverse app to log my fishing lately. Lastly i will tell that the most efficent time to fish is during morning or evenings.
So hope this was helpfull, and as we say it in norwegian:
Skitt fiske!