I got this baby for under 200 dollars at Amazon and I didnt need to pay taxes either. So its quite a cheap lens. But is it good? And why did I buy a Fish Eye Wide lens?
Mostly 60 % at the time I normally use my prime 25 mm Leica lens, where it gives a very good video footage. Thing is it is to narrow, and not wide. Then its not very fast. The 25 mm is not a vlog lens, but a very good cinematic and b-roll lens. You can get ok astrophotograpy with the 25 mm, but I was finding myself with not the optimal lens for astrophotagraphy.
I heard about the price the 7 artisan and I had to give it a try because of the wide angle. Now this is a good wide angle and vlog lens. The only thing is though its not a perfect v-log lens because you need to be aware of the sometimes unclear manual focus, unstable video stabilization, the bending fisheye egde and flare glare that may happend in direct sunlight.
What is good about it is that it gives you very good and mostly sharp picture and contrast. The quality build structure is even better than my prime 25 mm lens due to the metal. The lens give you super wide angles you can be very creative with, it dosent take any space and lastly you get a very good lens for the price around 180 dollars.
I mostly will be using this lens for super close spaces filming or photos or astro photography and timelapses. The lens is also fast, so it gives a sharp picture also in low conditions. Here are some video results of a test in Oslo:
Now whats the buying line for this lens? Easy! its taking Astrophotgraphy with it. Now astrophotography is not easy to take, specially if you have a Micro Thirds four camera and not a full frame, though if youre lucky enough to own the GH5s then it will problaby be a lot easier. Though Astrophotgraphy result is mostly quit impressing to watch it is difficult to catc, and it really relays also in things like:
Staying away from poluting, or artificial human lights.
Having a clear night.
Batteri life.
Photograph technique.
Im mostly interested in time lapses, because Im more of a videographer guy, but if you want clear and detailed astro still pictures you should problaby stack a few of a same picture and edit in your editing program. Then you will be problaby able to tweek it there. The 500 rule is also important and the reason I actually got this lens. The "500 rule", defines with settings will give you as sharpest starts before motion blur kicks inn, and it is not very easy to with the 25 mm lens because the best result there would be a narrow 50 mm astro pcitures. So with the 7,5 mm it would be a 15 mm wide astro picture intead on the "500 rule" (500 ÷ Lens Focal Length = Exposure Time). So with this lens I will take pictures with an aperture of f 2.8, an ISO 5000. Then If I know the 7.5 mm x 2 = 15 mm (it gives full frame). then apply 500 rule: 500 ÷ 15 = 33 (rounded to 30 shuter speed). Now I would also set the timelapse setting for 400 pictures and a interval of 2 seconds. As for the timelapse below I used 6000 ISO, 400 pictures, 2 seconds, about 2`` shuter speed and it gave me a quite clear results: